Jack of Hearts (Miss Reginald Nicolas) is a Guarded Explorer who Has A Thousand Faces in a Superhero world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 12 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 11 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 13 Edge: 0 Defense: Trained Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 1 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Accuracy power shift All attack rolls are eased by one step per shift. Level: 1 Dexterity power shift Movement, acrobatics, initiative, and Speed defense are eased by one step per shift. Level: 2 Increased range power shift Increases the range of one ability or attack. A touch-range ability (such as Shock) increases to short range, a short-range ability increases to long range, and a long-range ability increases to very long range. Level: 1 Intelligence power shift Intellect defense rolls and all knowledge, science, and crafting tasks are eased by one step per shift. Level: 1 Skills ------ Face morph (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2+) You alter your features and coloration for one hour, hiding your identity or impersonating someone. This affects only your face, not the rest of your body. You can't perfectly duplicate someone else's face, but you can be accurate enough to fool someone who knows that person casually. You have an asset in all tasks involving disguise. You must apply a level of Effort to be able to impersonate a different species (such as a human morphing into a humanoid alien). Action. Block (Pool:Speed, Cost:3) You automatically block the next melee attack made against you within the next minute. Action to initiate. Danger sense (Pool:Speed, Cost:1) Your initiative task is eased. You pay the cost each time the ability is used. Enabler. Interaction skills (Trained) You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, or intimidation. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler. Trained in all intellect defense tasks (Trained) Trained in all tasks involving discerning the truth, piercing disguises, and recognizing falsehoods and other deceptions (Trained) Heavy weapons (Practiced) Heavy Weapons Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Medium weapons (Practiced) Medium Weapons Practiced in armor (Practiced) You can wear armor for long periods of time without tiring and can compensate for slowed reactions from wearing armor. You reduce the Speed cost for wearing armor by 1. You start the game with a type of armor of your choice. Enabler. Practiced with all weapons (Practiced) You become practiced with light, medium, and heavy weapons and suffer no penalty when using any kind of weapon. Enabler. Your suspicious nature makes you unlikeable (Inability) Any task involving deception or persuasion is hindered. Attacks ------- Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Mod:-1 Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Eased by one step from Accuracy Power Shift. Eased by one step for Light weapons. Light Weapon Cost:Free Stat:Speed Damage:2 Type:Light Mod:-1 Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A light weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Eased by one step from Accuracy Power Shift. Eased by one step for Light weapons. Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Darksight (Level: 5) Grants the ability to see in the dark for five hours per cypher level. (For a more realistic game, this cypher could instead make the user specialized in low-light spotting.) Subtle Wings (Level: 8) User can fly at their normal running speed for ten minutes per cypher level. Fantastic Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. - Armor of your choice. Granted from Practiced In Armor. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- Explorer You are a person of action and physical ability, fearlessly facing the unknown. You travel to strange, exotic, and dangerous places, and discover new things. This means you're physical but also probably knowledgeable. Although Explorers can be academics or well studied, they are first and foremost interested in action. They face grave dangers and terrible obstacles as a routine part of life. Guarded You conceal your true nature behind a mask and are loath to let anyone see who you really are. Protecting yourself, physically and emotionally, is what you care about most, and you prefer to keep everyone else at a safe distance. You may be suspicious of everyone you meet, expecting the worst from people so you won't be surprised when they prove you right. Or you might just be a bit reserved, careful about letting people through your gruff exterior to the person you really are. No one can be as reserved as you are and make many friends. Most likely, you have an abrasive personality and tend to be pessimistic in your outlook. You probably nurse an old hurt and find that the only way you can cope is to keep it and your personality locked down. Has A Thousand Faces You can change your appearance to look like anyone else. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - One of the PCs managed to overcome your defenses and befriend you. - You want to see what the PCs are up to, so you accompany them to catch them in the act of some wrongdoing. - You have made a few enemies and take up with the PCs for protection. - The PCs are the only people who will put up with you. Powers gained from unusual weather. Background Connection --------------------- Your brother is the lead singer in a really popular band. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. You inadvertently caused an accident that put them into a sleep so deep they didn't wake for three days. Whether they forgive you or not is up to them. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Fortuitous Malfunction A trap or a dangerous device malfunctions before it can affect you. Serendipitous Landmark Just when it seems like the path is lost (or you are), a trail marker, a landmark, or simply the way the terrain or corridor bends, rises, or falls away suggests to you the best path forward, at least from this point. Weak Strain The poison or disease turns out not to be as debilitating or deadly as it first seemed, and inflicts only half the damage that it would have otherwise. Suspicious +2 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Guarded Possible GM intrusion from your focus: Part of the disguise slips. An NPC thinks the disguised character is someone they know very well. http://localhost:3000/account/cypher/characters/Jygnpe Last Updated: June 16th, 2024 14:40 App Version: 1.06.12 Beta